Sunday, February 19, 2012

Library Trivia Jenga Center

Who doesn't love a good game of Jenga?  I saw a few Jenga games on Pinterest - math questions and other school-related trivia.  I thought, why not library trivia?  Luckily, I found a Jenga game at the thrift store for $3!

I am also part of an assessment team developing a questionnaire to assess student learning in the library.  There were so many questions ideas from our assessment I was able to tweak for my Library Jenga.  It also helped me gear the questions to what students should be taking away from library class.

The best part about Library Trivia Jenga is that students are having a blast playing while reviewing important library terms and ideas.

For my Library Trivia Jenga, I first made up a list of questions.  I numbered and color coded them just to make it easier to find the answers on the cheat sheet.  The colors also make the game just a little more colorful.  Then I laminated the questions and answers.  I cut up the questions and taped them to the blocks.  That's it!

Students play a little differently than traditional Jenga.  They set up the Jenga tower.  Then, when they take out a block, they have to answer the question.  If they get the answer right, they can keep the block.  Otherwise it goes back on the tower.  The person with the most blocks wins.

Here are some pictures the game and students playing: 

This center is available on TPT.


  1. A Colorado Gaming LibrarianJune 20, 2012 at 1:17 AM

    This is a wonderful idea! Next time someone donates a copy to the library I know what I'm doing with it!

  2. This is an awesome idea! Thank you!!

  3. I really appreciate your ideas and so thankful you share them.

  4. I think you are brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. I can't wait to try this myself! I found Jenga up at my local $2 shop! So my weekend will be spent making a library, a maths and a reading trivia set! :D this is brill

  6. So fun! I am excited to incorporate this in my library! :)

  7. I was able to print off the questions and answers for the Library Jenga game after making one of the games it was so popular that I would like to make a couple more and I have misplaced the website I printed it from. I hope you can help me. Thanks for the great ideas I have gotten off of your website. I will watch for an answer.

  8. What a fabulous idea! I'd like to set up centers or stations this year in the library. Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to do this.
